929-35-CEYOU (352-3968) newyork@ceyou.org

Why It’s Hard to Let Go: Emotional Attachment to Our “Stuff”, Wednesday, 8-14-24 (Live Webinar)


Feeling sentimental? Join Simple Spaces founder, and Certified Professional Organizer Katie Tracy as we discuss some of the emotions behind many common ways contemporary American families are impacted by clutter. Participants will gain insight surrounding emotional attachment to “stuff”, decision making processes, as well as strategies for addressing the different and varied manifestations of emotional attachment that make “letting go” so difficult. *This webinar is live, real-time and interactive. Participants will earn 2 CE Credits.*

All Alone: The Impact of Social Isolation on Mental Health, Tuesday, 8-20-24 (Live Webinar)


While the detrimental consequences of social isolation have always been acknowledged, the emergence of COVID-19 placed a spotlight on the suffering associated with this kind of isolation. Dr. NaKaisha Tolbert-Banks, DSW, LCSW, LCAC reflects on the lasting impact of social isolation through the lens of the pandemic and beyond. NaKaisha will guide participants through the definitions of social isolation, identifying the role of empathy in how we respond to social isolation among individuals and communities, as well as applying interventions to support those experiencing social isolation in a variety of contexts. *This webinar is live, real-time and interactive. Participants will earn 2 CE Credits.*

All Hands On Deck: Tools and Methods for Responding to a Crisis, Tuesday, 8-27-24 (Live Webinar)


Join Dr. Tim Victorella, DHPE, MSW, QMHP as we take a closer look at crisis. Participants will gain deeper insight surrounding deconstructing the “crisis brain”, effective formulas for de-escalation, helping practitioners approach crisis situations with confidence, and explore the role of nonverbal cues in overcoming crisis events. *This webinar is live, real-time and interactive. Participants will earn 2 CE Credits.*

Tele-Health Meets Therapy: Examining the Ethics and Practice Considerations of Online Clinical Settings, Thursday, 9-5-24 (Live Webinar)


Therapy meets technology! Andrea Brognano, LMHC guides participants through the multidimensional aspects of cyberspace as a therapeutic setting. Gain enhanced insight surrounding the origin and background of online therapy and applied technology platforms, contexts and circumstances to be examined in determining appropriateness of online therapy for different client populations, as well as challenges and safeguards for maintaining client privacy and the ethical responsibilities of clinicians providing services online. *This webinar is live, real-time and interactive. Participants will earn 2 CE Credits – Ethics.*

Hear My Voice: The Vital Role of Assertiveness in Practice and Ethics, Thursday, 9-12-24 (Live Webinar)

Join practicing therapist, Lisa C. DeLuca, LCSW for a closer look at the myths and realities of assertiveness. Participants will examine correlations between assertiveness and client healing, gain deeper comprehension of definitions along with myths and misconceptions concerning assertiveness as well as the Ethical concepts surrounding assertiveness in the therapeutic setting, hindrances to assertiveness, and the impact of transference and countertransference in relation to assertiveness. *This webinar is live, real-time and interactive. Participants will earn 3 CE Credits – Ethics*