929-35-CEYOU (352-3968) newyork@ceyou.org
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  • Class 1 - Grasping the New DSM-5!
     February 8, 2017
     10:15 am - 1:15 pm
  • Class 2 - Assessing, Diagnosing and Writing Treatment plans using the DSM-5!
     February 8, 2017
     2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

dsm 5

The Newly Expanded DSM-5 One Day Seminar!

February 8, 2017

Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE)

810 1st Street NE, 3rd Floor

Washington, D.C. 20002 Symbol to indicate that the branch meets accessibility standards

(Accessible by Metro Red line, Union Station, 1st Street Exit)

The Cost of the full seminar is $99. You can attend one class for $59. Refreshments (healthy and not-so healthy) served through out the day.


dsm 5Class I – 10:15am – 1:15pm (3 Category I CEUs)

Grasping the New DSM-5!

The much anticipated new DSM-5 arrived with much fanfare! What does this mean for clinicians? How is this DSM different or the same as the previous edition? This training will help participants navigate the new structure of the DSM and understand important changes in several disorders. Participants will gain an understanding of the logic behind the new categorization of diagnoses and symptoms and gain a better understanding of how to utilize the new DSM-5.

Participants will also gain an understanding of the relationship between the DSM-5 and the ICD (International Classification of Diseases of the World Health Organization) in classifying mental disorders. (Trainer, Tzipora Frager, LCSW-C, Johns Hopkins Outpatient Clinic, Health Behavioral Specialist)


dsm 5 puzzle pieceClass II – 2:00pm- 5:00pm (3 Category I CEUs)

Assessing, Diagnosing and Writing Treatment plans using the DSM-5!  

This class will focus on assessing and diagnosing clients using the updated Dimensional Assessment and Diagnosis process required by the DSM-5. Participants will gain an understanding of how to use this new format as a holistic approach for treatment.  You will examine case vignettes and practice assessing and diagnosing clients. Participants will also practice writing effective Treatment Plans that insurance companies will accept. (Trainer, Tzipora Frager, LCSW-C, Johns Hopkins Out Patient Clinic, Health Behavioral Specialist)


This CE You! Seminar includes two excellent classes (a total of 6 category I CEUs). You can attend the full day for  $99, or one class is $59. Refreshments (healthy and not-so healthy) are served through out the day.


810 1st Street NE, 3rd Floor, Washington, District of Columbia, 20002, United States


The location is accessible by Metro Red line, Union Station, 1st Street Exit. There is no free parking available at this location. The location is handicap accessible