929-35-CEYOU (352-3968) newyork@ceyou.org

Implicit Bias Interrupted: How to Reveal, Confront, and Get Unconscious Biases Out of Your Way, Sunday, 9-22-24 (Live Webinar)

greenidge wisdom

Join Dr. Michell A. Greenidge as we explore the features and corresponding behaviors associated with Implicit Bias. In this eye-opening discussion, participants will identify the social and systemic ramifications of Implicit Bias, study the historical and biological context and origin of biases and their impact on daily personal and professional interactions, as well as gain tools to help bring implicit biases into conscious awareness. *This webinar can also be used for credits towards fulfilling the NEW Implicit Bias requirement for Michigan and Maryland licensees. This Live Webinar will include a pre and post test for Michigan Licensees to meet Michigan Implicit Bias Training Guidelines. This webinar meets the *NEW* Maryland Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice content requirement for Social Workers. This webinar can also be used for credits towards fulfilling the DC “Key Public Health Priorities” training criteria for DC licensees. This webinar is live, real-time and interactive. Participants will earn 3 CE Credits.*

Decisions…Decisions: Building an Ethical Roadmap When Choices Are Not Always Clear, Thursday, 9-26-24 (Live Webinar)

Join practicing counselor and clinical supervisor, Jodi Geis-Crowder, LPC, ACS, for a thought provoking evening of discussion around ethics in mental health-based practice. Participants will study distinct areas of moral and ethical principles surrounding practitioner decision making models, what clinicians need to know to practice ethically in the technology age, and related practice considerations surrounding ethical vs legal obligations. *This webinar is live, real-time and interactive. Participants will earn 3 CE Credits – Ethics.*

Implicit Bias Interrupted: How to Reveal, Confront, and Get Unconscious Biases Out of Your Way, Monday, 10-7-24 (Live Webinar)

greenidge wisdom

Join Dr. Michell A. Greenidge as we explore the features and corresponding behaviors associated with Implicit Bias. In this eye-opening discussion, participants will identify the social and systemic ramifications of Implicit Bias, study the historical and biological context and origin of biases and their impact on daily personal and professional interactions, as well as gain tools to help bring implicit biases into conscious awareness. *This webinar can also be used for credits towards fulfilling the NEW Implicit Bias requirement for Michigan and Maryland licensees. This Live Webinar will include a pre and post test for Michigan Licensees to meet Michigan Implicit Bias Training Guidelines. This webinar meets the *NEW* Maryland Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice content requirement for Social Workers. This webinar can also be used for credits towards fulfilling the DC “Key Public Health Priorities” training criteria for DC licensees. This webinar is live, real-time and interactive. Participants will earn 3 CE Credits.*

Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Chatbot Therapy, Tuesday, 10-8-24 (Live Webinar)

Curious to know what Freud might say? Explore the evolving role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in mental health with Jodi Geis-Crowder! Participants will define Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it is being used in Chatbots and phone apps as a primary therapist, discuss the ethical considerations that apply to the use of AI as a behavioral health care option, noting they are not regulated by licensing boards codes of ethics, but rather an AI Value Platform Policy Statement. We’ll also examine the importance of mandatory disclosure regarding clients seeking services while utilizing adjunct AI, and the importance of working with a clinical supervisor/ clinical consultant and an information technology expert to navigate the clinical waters and to protect professional liability will also be discussed. *This webinar is live, real-time and interactive. Participants will earn 2 CE Credits – Ethics.*

All Over the Place: Concrete Strategies for Bringing Structure to Sessions (While Still Remaining Flexible!), Thursday, 10-10-24 (Live Webinar)

Design and align the building blocks of client session plans with Katie Bingner, LCPC! In this live-interactive webinar, Katie shares her experience and methods for navigating chaos, and creating a vital framework for effective client sessions. This course will help practitioners from a variety of backgrounds conceptualize the direct impact of flexible structure on clinical outcomes, identify and express clinical terminology for specific client behaviors that can derail a session, and draw upon key therapeutic interventions to assist with focus and redirection. *This webinar is live, real-time and interactive. Participants will earn 2 CE Credits.*