929-35-CEYOU (352-3968) newyork@ceyou.org

The Art of the Heal: How Creativity Inspires Resilience and Healing to Overcome Stress, Thursday, 8-1-24 (Live Webinar)

Shoshana Averbach, LMSW, MA, social worker and music therapist, shares how the world of creative arts offers tools for resilience. Participants will gain insight around the role and importance of creativity in resilience and the healing process, techniques from various creative modalities for healing, and recognizing creative means to nurture client spirit, enhance sense of self, and address the detrimental effects of stress. *This webinar is live, real-time and interactive. Participants will earn 2 CE Credits.*

Unwind the Mind: Techniques for Managing Stress Amid Chaos, Monday, 8-5-24 (Live Webinar )

Take a deep breath and dive into a calm oasis with Shoshana Averbach, LMSW; MA! This webinar is your passport to equipping clients with powerful tools to combat stress and cultivate inner peace, even when the world feels like it’s spinning out of control. Participants will enjoy an overview of Tapas Acupressure and Emotional Freedom Technique, among other tools and applications to help clients reduce the negative effects of stress. *This webinar is live, real-time and interactive. Participants will earn 3 CE Credits.*

Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day: A Trauma Informed Approach to Ethics and Expectations, Thursday, 8-15-24 (Live Webinar)

Katie Bingner, MS, LCPC, brings us an ethics-centered and trauma informed approach to managing treatment expectations for clients and practitioners. We’ll discuss the impact of treatment expectations on the therapeutic alliance and clinician effectiveness, as well as corresponding ethical perspectives around managing these expectations and recognizing how they influence clinical outcomes and client-centered practice. *This webinar is live, real-time and interactive. Participants will earn 2 CE Credits – Ethics.*

Trust Me, I’m a Professional: The Ethical Mandate to Provide for Optimal Client Care, Wednesday, 8-21-24 (Live Webinar)

Join Angela B. Duncan PhD, as we navigate the ethics-based obligation to optimize client care. Participants will define and examine risk factors associated with deficient therapist self awareness of limitations, evaluate potential effects on the therapeutic relationship, discuss ethical standards and practices to heighten awareness of physical or emotional barriers and related decision-making processes, and identify when outside referral may be necessary to ensure fidelity to client interest and promote optimal client outcomes. *This webinar is live, real-time and interactive. Participants will earn 2 CE Credits – Ethics.*

Rebel With A Cause: The Hidden Trauma and Profound Truth Behind Our Character Flaws, Wednesday, 8-28-24 (Live Webinar)


Explore the unique and fascinating elements of character with Anne Redelfs, M.D.! Participants will gain new insight surrounding often overlooked sources of deep-seated trauma that explain common dysfunctional character traits as well as extremes of asocial and antisocial behavior. We’ll examine the extensive consequences of unresolved childhood trauma and how these can be remedied through relating to this “inner rebel” and uncovering its “cause”. *This webinar is live, real-time and interactive. Participants will earn 2 CE Credits.*